Download the Reporting Instructions Handbook & Commanding Officer's Certification Checklist to begin your preparation for deployment to the CENTCOM AOR.
If you have been assigned to an upcoming MARCENT IA billet, please read carefully though the current MARCENT IA Reporting Instructions Handbook, dated 1 February 2021. If you have questions or concerns after reading the MARCENT IA Reporting Instructions Handbook, please contact the appropriate office below:
Points of Contact
MARCENT Liaison Office, Okinawa, JA
DSN: 315-622-7762
LOCAL: 080-3152-4638
INT’L: +81 80-3152-4638
Nation Capitol Region IA Coordinator
DSN: 315-278-2555
Comm: 703-784-2555
H&S BN S-3, MCB Quantico
Office: (703) 784-2555
Additional information for Individual Augments provided below:
MARADMIN 132-15 Implementation of Rifle Combat Marksmanship Tables 2-6
Policy Letter 5-16 Seasonal Uniform Policy Waiver